Cancelling Orders

There are 2 scenarios for cancelling orders:

1. If you cancel order in marketplace first

2. If you cancel order in Teapplix ActionShip first

If you cancel order in marketplace first:

The cancelled order may still come into ActionShip so you will need to check in Actionship to see if the order came in; if so, cancel it in ActionShip to remove it from open orders.

If you cancel in ActionShip first:

You will have to cancel that order in the marketplace also. We never cancel on any marketplace - after cancelling on ActionShip, you must cancel on marketplace.

How to cancel in ActionShip:

In Orders => Normal, select the order you want to cancel then click on the Bulk Update icon on the right, above the Action column heading. In the Order Status field select "Cancelled" from the drop down menu. Add a note if required, then click the ‘Bulk Update’ button.

Cancelled Orders and Accounting Integration with QuickBooks:

If the export settings in ActionShip; QuickBooks; Integration Setup is set to “All Orders”, then you will

1. Remove from ‘Unexported Orders’ if still in the queue to export
2. Remove from QuickBooks if already exported

If export settings in ActionShip; QuickBooks; Integration Setup is set to “Shipped Orders”, then it will not export to QuickBooks unless it was cancelled AFTER the order was shipped out.