Teapplix’s eBay and PayPal integration software combines the best information from both eBay and PayPal for eBay sales. We get payment information and confirmed address from PayPal. We get checkout details like selected shipping methods, mandatory or optional insurance, etc., from eBay. You can save both time and money with Teapplix. Try a Free Trial today!
PayPal Integration
Receives payment notifications automatically from PayPal, typically within 5-15 seconds
Shows order info in your account automatically without import/export
Instantly notifies you of refunds and reversals, and removes order
Handles pending e-check orders correctly
Supports multiple PayPal accounts
eBay API Integration
Retrieve eBay transactions, including checkout shipping preferences, insurance
Retrieve custom label, weight and dimensions for calculated shipping
Mark items as shipped on eBay with carrier info and tracking number
Support multiple eBay accounts
Supports All eBay Properties
Supports all eBay sites
Supports Half.com
Supports ProStores
Supports eBay checkout
Supports thirdparty checkout
Start Now With A FREE Trial!
Try out Teapplix for 30 days with no obligation. There’s no installation, and you get free customer support. Best of all, you can access our discounted USPS rates. Free Trial