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Teapplix ActionShip supports WooCommerce order sync and inventory listings sync.
Please make sure you use version 2.3 and newer, otherwise the order shipping information update would not work.
Let's assume that you have your wordpress with woocommerce plugin installed at http://example.com. Please follow the steps below to obtain the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and set Permission. (If you are using the latest version, please also refer to this link about the new UI payout: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-rest-api ).
1. Login into Admin section of your wordpress ( https://example.com/wp-admin )
2. Click "WooCommerce", then click "Settings"
For old WooCommerce web portal:
3. Check "Enabled the REST api" flag, if it is not checked, press "Save" to save changes.
4. Go to "Users", select user you wish to access api (typically it's admin), click "Edit"
5. Scroll page down, check flag "Generate API key" if it is not checked, click "Update user"
6. Now scroll down page again. You will see fields "Consumer Key" , "Consumer Secret" and "Permission".
7. Change "Permission" field to "Read/Write" so ActionShip can update your order status.
For new WooCommerce web portal:
If you are seeing the new web portal from WooCommerce, please follow these steps:
- Click on the Advanced tab
- Find the "REST API" link on top of Page Setup
- Click on Add Key button, to generate a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you will use for ActionShip connection. Make sure to change the Permission to "Read/Write"
- Then click on "Legacy API", make sure the "Enable Legacy API" is checked, click on Save
In ActionShip:
- Navigate to Integration => Marketplaces & Carts
- Click +Add Marketplaces and select WooCommerce
- Click Close to close the marketplaces options page.
- Click +Add WooCommerce Account
- Enter the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and WordPress URL Use your wordpress url as store url (e.g. https://example.com, remove "/wp-admin" at the end)
- Only if you have installed the WooCommerce extension "Shipment Tracking" on your store, you may check the checkbox for "Use Shipment Tracking" Plugin.
- Save your WooCommerce configuration. ActionShip will download orders with a status of "Processing".
- You may click "Sync Order" to test if the integration is successful.
Note for https-based sites: please, use https://example.com as store url, as the WooCommerce API would not be accessible over http.
However, if you have a different setup in the wordpress for your WooCommerce link, please make sure to use that link instead of your store url.
To allow inventory quantity sync you have to set checkbox "Manage stock? Enable stock management at product level" at product inventory properties. (this is optional and only required if you subscribe to our ActionShip Inventory Sync).
Entering Proper Domain Name into ActionShip
Note: When you enter URL into ActionShip, you must enter matching domain name as in your "WordPress Address" URL. For example. If entered myshop.com in WordPress setup, you can not enter www.myshop.com in ActionShip, or vice versa. If you get an "invalid signature" error, this is mostly likely the cause.
Known issues
If you using GoDaddy Managed WordPress hosting, you may have delay with your orders sync at ActionShip. This delay is due to the fact that GoDaddy WP by default caches your site content and API endpoint as well, so we get cached old data when trying to sync orders. To avoid this problem, you can add cache exception for your site at your WP control panel, as described at image: