SKU On Shipping Label

On Settings => Printers & Scales, you have a checkbox to add "sku on shipping label". When this checkbox is checked (this can be shipping profile specific):

  • For US domestic shipping labels, Teapplix ActionShip will place a user customizable string onto the shipping label, this defaults to the SKU of the order, but can be many other values as described later in this page.
  • For US to international shipping labels with a built-in customs form, ActionShip will append [ SKU ] into each customs description line. Example of such labels include USPS First Class International, USPS Priority Mail International, and the commercial invoice of UPS and FedEx, etc.
  • For US to international shipping label without a customs form, where customs information is uploaded electronically, ActionShip treats the label as a domestic label and put the SKU on the label itself. The electronic uploaded information will not contain the SKU.

Customizing the String Placed on US Domestic Labels

The SKU by default is sku [x qty], as a space separated list. However, the content of this can be changed using a macro language: bbcode. In this bbcode, you can add newlines, change fonts / styles, and add different "data elements":

(Note that most labels only have about 2-3 lines of white space, so too much content will cause the additional lines to not display)

Below are some of the bbcodes:

These are order level values: What it is:
{SKU} Spaces separated sku[xqty] list, the [xqty] part is only added when quantity is greater than 1. All combos are expanded to the base SKU. Notice that this field can also be hand edited on the "rates & options" screen, including for each extra package. If you saved values there, then Actionship will use whatever value you saved instead.
{ORDER_ID} ActionShip Order ID. This is typically the original order id from channels. However, for certain channels or carts where "store key" is entered. ActionShip may have added a prefix to the original order id.
{ORIG_ORDER_ID} Original Order ID. This is the original order id from channels without prefix. For example, for commerce hub this will be the PO number without the ch-{channel} prefix.
{ORDER_ID2} Additional Order No from the Marketplace (such as Walmart Order Number)
{QB_TXN_NUMBER} QuickBooks Sales No, Invoice # or Sales Order No.
{EBAY_SALES_RECORD_NUMBER} For ebay orders, the selling manager assigned sales record number
{EBAY_BUYER_ID} For ebay orders, the buyer id from eBay
{PHONE} Phone Number of the recipient
{COUNTRY} Full country name of the recipient address
{COUNTRY_CODE} 2 letter country code of the recipient address
{LINE_COUNT} Number of line items in the order
{QTY_COUNT} sum total of number of items in the order. If you have 2 lines in the order, first line quantity 2, second line quantity 5, this macro will show 7
{SKU_LOCATION} sku[x qty](location) list, space separated
{SKU_XREF3} sku[x qty]{xref3} list, space separated
{LOCATION} space separated location list
{XREF3} space separated xref3 list
{SEQ_NUMBER} This is a sequence number internally assigned to each order
{SHIP_CLASS} Shipping class of this order. This is typically Standard, Expedited, etc.
{CARRIER} Shipping carrier used to generate the label.
{TRACKING_NUMBER} Tracking number.
{SHIP_METHOD} Shipping method used to generate the label. ActionShip internal value
{SHIP_WEIGHT} Shipping weight
{DIMENSION} Package dimension (length x width x depth)
{SHIP_WEIGHT_UNIT} Shipping weight unit, this will be oz, lb, gram, kg, etc.
{POSTAGE} Postage for this label. For UPS FedEx this is the returned value when creating label and may be subject to change.
{INDICIUM_SOURCE} This is similar to carrier, but for USPS it will indicate Teapplix (for Teapplix USPS), Endicia or stamps. This typically indicate from where the label is purchased from
{INDICIUM_ACCOUNT} Account number used to generate the shipping label. If you have multiple FedEx UPS USPS accounts, this will tell you from which account the label came from.
{BATCH_ID} the batch number for the print
{BATCH_SEQ} the sequence number in the batch
{BATCH_TOTAL} The total number of orders when generating the batch. Notice this is not the total number of successfully generated labels, because for some orders validation may fail.
{LABEL_SEQ} if "package count" > 1, this will print 1 of x, 2 of x, etc. on label where x is package count. for normal labels this will print 1 of 1
{CUSTOM} Custom field for the order. The content is channel specific
{CUSTOM2} Custom2 field for the order. The content is channel specific
{STORE_TYPE} The Marketplace/Source the order was downloaded/imported from.
{SELLER_ID} The specific store the order was downloaded/imported from
{QUEUE_ID} Order Queue ID the order belongs to
{QUEUE_NAME} Order Queue Name the order belongs to
{WAREHOUSE_ID} Warehouse ID the order belongs to
{SHIP_DATE} The date when the order is shipped
{NOTE} Memo for the order.
These are conditional order level values:
{DANGEROUS_GOODS_MARK} dangerous goods mark based on the code of products. Note that if nothing is marked as dangerous goods, this will collapse as nothing including the line that it occupies
{LOGO} display the logo saved in the account
{QRCODE} display the QR Code saved in the account
These are map order parameter to specified value:
For example to display value 1 for order with shipping method DHLSMParcelExpeditedMax/RECTPARCEL and display value 2 for order with shipping method DHLGMSMPARCELPLUSGROUND/RECTPARCEL:
These tags display a table of line items:
this is a table with one line per order line in the order. You can put up to 5 columns. The content depends on what is in XXXX,YYYY,ZZZZ. AAAA BBBB CCCC will control the character length of each column. KKKK,LLLL,MMMM will control text align of column (Use LEFT,CENTER or RIGHT).
this is a table that places 2 order line items on a single line, saving vertical space. You can put max 3 columns (for the table total will be then 6 columns). The content depends on what is in XXXX,YYYY. AAAA BBBB will control the character length of each column. KKKK,LLLL will control text align of column (Use LEFT,CENTER or RIGHT).
The following fields can be put in the LIST="XXXX" attribute:
LINE The line number of the order item line, starting from 1
SKU The item SKU or item name if SKU is not assigned
QUANTITY Quantity ordered
QTY_B Quantity ordered wrapped with brackets
GROSS Subtotal amount for the order line
NUMBER Item number
XREF3 xref3 field corresponding to the SKU
LOCATION location field corresponding to the SKU
BRAND Brand field corresponding to the SKU
MPN Manufacture's part number field corresponding to the SKU
UPC UPC field corresponding to the SKU
ASIN ASIN field corresponding to the SKU
SUPPLIER Supplier field corresponding to the SKU
SUPPLIER_SKU Supplier SKU field corresponding to the SKU
DESCRIPTION Item description