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Ship Confirmation Download
You can download shipment confirmation for type "generic" orders using the above "Report" API. You must pass "Action=Report" on the URL.
Generate Generic Ship Confirmation File
for CSV:
for XLS:
(note here that + in url stands for space)
This report provides shipping details for "generic" type orders shipped during a certain date range. This typically is used to update some external system with tracking numbers. "Generic" orders are typically orders imported into Teapplix via API or via dropship import.
ship_date_s=2012/01/20 => for shipped orders with ship date >= 2012/01/20
ship_date_e=2012/01/31 => for shipped orders with ship date <= 2012/01/31
queue_id=dd => an integer number limiting orders from a certain Teapplix order queue
Example of calling Ship Confirmation Download API using "curl":
curl -k -o generic_shipment_report.csv -dSubaction='Generate%20Generic%20Ship%20Confirmation%20File' -d ship_date_s='' -d ship_date_e='' -d queue_id='' "https://app.teapplix.com/h/[your teapplix account name]/ea/admin.php?User=xxxx&Passwd=xxxx&Action=Report"