
OrderTags is an API you use to get, add or remove tags to an order.

Use the GET method to obtain list of tags for an order.

Use the POST method to append list of tags to an order. The existing tags on the order will not be affected. For example, if order A has tag "t1", and you add tags ["t2", "t3"], order will end up with 3 tags: ["t1", "t2", "t3"]

Use the DELETE method to remove list of tags to an order, other tags on the order will remain.

Any tag name mentioned on the API request must exists. Adding a tag to an order that already has said tag will be silently ignored. Deleting a tag from an order that does not have such tag will also be silently ignored. For example, if order A has tag [ "t1", "t2", "t3" ], removing tag ["t0", "t1"] will give success response and result in order A having tags ["t2", "t3"].