Quantity Shipped

Teapplix's concept of Quantity Shipped starts from the last 'in stock' date. The cycle count is assumed to be done at the end of the day, so any orders shipped on that same day are not considered.

Any order shipped after that day, will be counted as 'quantity shipped', this include any order shipped with a future ship date.

Split or Combined Orders

If you split an order, or combine multiple orders, the original order are no longer counted for inventory purposes. Instead, the result of the split or combine are counted for inventory.

Cancelling Shipping Labels

If you cancel the shipping label on an order that counts toward inventory, the shipped quantity will be removed based on the following rules:

  • If the ship date of the label cancelled is today or in the future, the quantity is removed from Quantity Shipped immediately
  • If the ship date of the label cancelled is in the past, the quantity is removed from Quantity Shipped the next day